Linus | @fine_linus_tattoo

Handpoke, Fine Line

Linus is a handpoke tattoo artist, and father of two beautiful head strong girls.

He was born in England and moved to Berlin in 2019 with his wife and 4 month old daughter. Back in the UK he was a carpenter, but always yearned for a more creative outlet. As a stay at home dad he had a chance to rethink his career, and fell in love with the handpoke technique, with the help of his mentor.

His influence comes from a wide range of styles and philosophies. His childhood dream was to be a cartoonist, inspired from the Simpsons right through to Anime and Manga, where his love for delicate but striking lines and textures comes from. Another huge influence comes from his fascination in symbolism, mythology, and astrology, and the interwoven ancient architypes that can be found throughout mythology around the world.